

FEFAC seeks to further boost feed sustainability progress

The publication is a special edition dedicated to facilitating the implementation of the ambitions of the FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter.


FEFAC released its 3rd Feed Sustainability Charter Progress Report. The publication is a special edition dedicated to facilitating the implementation of the ambitions of the FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter, originally released in September 2020.

FEFAC takes advantage of putting additional attention on its earlier publication in June 2023 on Sustainable Animal Feeding Techniques, which was presented at the 30th FEFAC Congress in Ystad, Sweden. FEFAC tries to draw the attention of all food chain partners to the existing feed industry solutions that are available to help our partners in the livestock value chain tackle the sustainability and food security challenges that we are collectively facing.

“Three years after the original release of the FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter, FEFAC seeks to further boost the progress in implementing its key ambitions, showcasing the innovative solutions the sector has to offer to assist the livestock sector with its transition towards more sustainable production systems. Many FEFAC members have in the meantime launched their individual sustainability agendas, roadmaps and action plans, with very dynamic value chain engagements at a national level,” said FEFAC president, Pedro Cordero, in a press release.