

GLOBAL - Latest WASDE report shows soybean production up 6 percent

Global soybean production is projected at 285.5 million tons, up 6 percent. The Argentina soybean crop is projected at 54.5 million tons, up 3.5 million from 2012/13 on record planted area and higher yields. The Brazil soybean crop is projected at a record 85 million tons as higher harvested area more than offsets lower yields. China soybean production is projected at 12 million tons, down 0.6 million from 2012/13 as producers continue to shift area to more profitable crop

Global soybean production is projected at 285.5 million tons, up 6 percent.  The Argentina soybean crop is projected at 54.5 million tons, up 3.5 million from 2012/13 on record planted area and higher yields. The Brazil soybean crop is projected at a record 85 million tons as higher harvested area more than offsets lower yields.  China soybean production is projected at 12 million tons, down 0.6 million from 2012/13 as producers continue to shift area to more profitable crops.  If realized, harvested area at 6.6 million hectares would be down 28 percent in the past 4 years.  Global production of high-oil content seeds (rapeseed and sunflowerseed) is projected up 6.1 percent from 2012/13 on increased rapeseed production in Canada, India, EU-27, and Ukraine, and increased sunflowerseed production in Argentina, EU-27, Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey.  Oilseed supplies are up 5.1 percent from 2012/13.  With crush projected to increase 3.4 percent, global oilseed ending stocks are projected at 82.6 million tons, up 12.3 million.  

Download the  World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, published May 10, 2013 from the link below (PDF).