

Harmonization of Aquaculture Standards, Feasible or Not?

DNV has recently conducted a thorough benchmarking study of the aquaculture certification standards available, showing significant differences in approaches and coverage and an untapped potential for harmonization

Harmonization of Aquaculture Standards, Feasible or Not?


Today, it is hard for aquaculture players to select the ideal path towards certification, since there are there are 30 different standards for aquaculture and no agreed framework for comparison.

Det NorskeVeritas (DNV) has recently conducted a thorough benchmarking study of the aquaculture certification standards available, showing significant differences in approaches and coverage and an untapped potential for harmonization.

DNV assessed the coverage of key sustainability parameters in six leading aquaculture standards: according to the following dimensions: scheme robustness, supply chain coverage, traceability requirements, coverage of FAO topics, information sources and continual improvement. The study proved significant differences. The standards evaluated are developed and operated by different types of stakeholders with different goals, something which is reflected in the standard schemes, criteria, supply chain coverage and traceability requirements.

The overall conclusion of this report is that the differences between the standards imply that substantial work is needed before harmonization and mutual acceptance is likely to be achieved. Agreement on scope and approach would be a key for harmonization between the standards, which may be a platform for further development of aquaculture certification as a tool for sustainable aquaculture production.

Download the report (PDF).