

Improved catches in southern hemisphere boost fishmeal production and drive prices lower.

Combined world production of fishmeal fell sharply last year caused by declining catches in producing countries in South America. By region, fishmeal output fell back 27% in South America whereas European production bounced upwards by 39% thanks to higher catches in Norway in particular

Combined world production of fishmeal fell sharply last year caused by declining catches in producing countries in South America.
By region, fishmeal output fell back 27% in South America whereas European production bounced upwards by 39% thanks to higher catches in Norway in particular.

As for fish oil, fishmeal prices reached record levels in February 2011 when there was much uncertainty about the level of new quotas in Peru. After a high of more than USD 1 800 USD per tonne (Peruvian prime), prices have dropped to levels between USD 1 300 and USD 1 400/tonne. Read report at FAO Globefish.