

Jan/Feb 2010 issue GAA's the Advocate

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Jan/Feb 2010 issue GAA's the Advocate

Online version now available for free viewing and download


Paradigm Shifts In Shrimp Farming – Black Tigers To Whites, Low To High Density
Stephen G. Newman, Ph.D.

Fishmeal, Fish Oil – Prime Feed Ingredients Not Limiting Factors For Responsible Aquaculture
Andrew Jackson, Ph.D.

Sustainable Feed – Emerging Issue Presents Near-Term Challenges, Long-Term Benefits
Blake Lee-Harwood

Genetics, Environment Define Crustacean Color
Nicholas M. Wade, Ph.D.

Animal By-Products Can Provide Cholesterol For Shrimp Feed
Sergio F. Nates, Ph.D.; Shannon A. Roche; Nicole M. Porter; Jeffrey D. Leblond; Kent Swisher

Trout Farming In Chile – Country Leads Global Production, Further Growth Possible
Nelson Colihueque, M.S.; Francisco Estay, M.S.

Lobster Aquaculture In Eastern Indonesia – Part II. Ongoing Research Examines Nutrition, Seed Sourcing
Bayu Priyambodo, IBM Suastika Jaya

Spiny Lobster Aquaculture – Research On Slow-Growing Species To Improve Industry In Vietnam, Other Countries
Bruce Phillips, Ravi Fotedar

U.S. To Expand FDA Role In Seafood Imports, Traceability
Richard E. Gutting, Jr.

Dissolved-Oxygen Concentrations In Pond Aquaculture
Claude E. Boyd, Ph.D.; Terry Hanson, Ph.D.

Regenerative Blowers Offer Efficient, High-Volume Aeration
Gary Rogers, Ph.D., P.E.

Antimicrobial Resistance – Aquaculture To Humans, Humans To Aquaculture?
Victoria Alday-Sanz, Ph.D.

Seafood Demand And Economic Growth
Ragnar Tveterås, Ph.D.; Kristin Lien

Survey Suggests Successful Claims For Seabream Marketing
Dr. José Fernández-Polanco, Dr. Simone Mueller, Dr. Ladislao Luna

Total U.S. Shrimp Imports Steady, Black Tigers Firming, Frozen Whole Salmon Drive Rising Imports, Fresh Fillets Off, Tilapia Fillet Markets Stuggle, Whole Fish Slip
Paul Brown Jr., Janice Brown, Angel Rubio

Lab Evaluation Methods Quantity Probiotic Benefits
Craig L. Browdy, Ph.D.; Jesus Venero, Ph.D.;Farshad Shishehchian, Ph.D.; Orapint Jintasataporn, Ph.D.;Oratai Tabthipwon, Ph.D.; Sara Shields; Raj Boopathy, Ph.D.

Periphyton Domestication Offers Feed In Shrimp Culture
Benoit Diringer, Tayron Vera, Juan Quimi, Juan Luzardo, Emmerik Motte, Tulio Torres, Cayra Efraim

CIAO Index Relates Fisheries Inputs, Aquaculture Production Outputs
Ruby Montoya-Ospina, Ph.D.; Mario Velasco-Escudero, Ph.D.

Bacterial Testing Improves Biosecurity At Marine Hatchery
Charles W. Laidley, Ph.D.; Kimberly Pinkerton, M.S., Chatham K. Callan, Ph.D.

Phage Therapy Provides Targeted Bacteria Treatment
Sergio F. Martinez Díaz, Ph.D.

Suspended-Growth Biological Processes Clean RAS Wastewater
David D. Kuhn, Ph.D.; Gregory D. Boardman, Ph.D.;George J. Flick, Jr.; Ph.D.; Addison L. Lawrence, Ph.D.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Disinfectant For Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Lars-Flemming Pedersen, Per B. Pedersen

Certification Counts – Environment, Economics, Other Factors Make Programs Relevant
Daniel Lee

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