

Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network eMagazine No. 3

Feed and feeding practices in Asia-Pacific are highlighted in the Jan-March 2005 issue
Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network eMagazine No. 3

Feed and feeding practices in Asia-Pacific are highlighted in the Jan-March 2005 issue:

- Feed and feeding practices at farm level for marine finfish aquaculture in Asia-Pacific
- ACIAR grouper grow-out feeds program and related CSIRO research
- Feed development and application for juvenile grouper
- Present status in the development of culture technology for the silver pomfret Pampus argenteus
- Best practices for using trash fi sh in the culture of juvenile Malabar grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus
- Grouper grow-out feeds research at Maros Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Download eMagazine No. 3  [PDF]