

New Report Focuses on Technology Research Needs for U.S. Marine Aquaculture

NOAA's Aquaculture Program has released a new report, "Overcoming Technical Barriers to the Sustainable Development of Competitive Marine Aquaculture in the United States"

New Report Focuses on Technology Research Needs for U.S. Marine Aquaculture

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Aquaculture Program has released a new report, "Overcoming Technical Barriers to the Sustainable Development of Competitive Marine Aquaculture in the United States". The 120-page report is based on the discussions and outcomes of a meeting sponsored by NOAA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in February 2008. Edited by Craig Browdy and John Hargreaves, the report identifies aquaculture technology research needs in the United States with a focus on overcoming technical barriers for environmentally and economically sustainable marine aquaculture. The four technologies addressed in the report are:

  • Land-based production of marine shrimp;
  • Land-based production of marine finfish;
  • Coastal shellfish production; and
  • Cage production of marine finfish.

Click here to view or download the 120-page report. For more information, or to obtain a hard copy, send an e-mail with your street address to