

Presentations from the XXV FEFAC Congress are now available for download

The XXV FEFAC Congress took place June 9-11, 2010 in Hamburg and, Germany. It focused on “Sustainable competitiveness of the EU livestock and feed sector" as the major Congress theme

Presentations from the  XXV FEFAC Congress are now available for download

The XXV FEFAC Congress took place June 9-11, 2010 in Hamburg and, Germany. It focused on “Sustainable competitiveness of the EU livestock and feed sector" as the major Congress theme.

Presentations may now be download from the FEFAC website here or directly from the links below:

Opening speeches:

Helmut Wulf, President of DVT

Pedro Corrêa de Barros, President of FEFAC

Dr. Walter Töpner, German Ministry for Agriculture

Part I: Doom & gloom or a silver lining” – an economic analysis 

From the EU Commission point of view (Hermanus Versteijlen, DG AGRI, European Commission)

Political and economic challenges for the European model of agriculture (Udo Folgart, Vice President of the German Farmers Union DBV)

Developments on the markets for grain, oilseeds and feedstuffs (Klaus-Dieter Schumacher,  Toepfer International)

US Soybean production & sustainability (John Wray, United Soybean Board)

Part II: Sustainability and environment: requests of chain and market partners

Key sustainability criteria for the supply of products of animal origin (Keith Kenny, Senior Director, McDonalds Europe)

Perspective of the European meat sector on the influence of climate change on meat demand (Nicolaj Christoffersen, Danske Slagterier)

Greenhouse gas emissions related to dairy production and feeding (Anna Flysjö, Arla Foods)

A trader’s view on the RTRS (RoundTable on Responsible Soy) standard for responsible soy (Hugo Stam, Cefetra Group)

Part III: Political framework and company strategies

Putting the EU High-Level Group recommendations on competitiveness of the agro-food industry into practice (Wolfgang Heer, Confederation of the Food & Drink Industries of the EU CIAA)

Sustainable development of animal productions: an integral component of the strategy for growth of an international feed company (Wout Dekker, CEO, Nutreco)

Sustainable competitiveness of EU agriculture (Jacques du Puy, Bayer CropScience)

U.S. soybean production 1996-2010 (Ron Moore, American Soybean Association)