

Salmon World 2006

Salmon production, supply and demand worldwide
Salmon World 2006

Salmon World 2006

The third edition of Salmon World by Kontali Analyse is now available. Salmon World gives an overview of salmon production, supply and demand worldwide. Key figures of all salmon producing nations, such as harvest quantity and value, are presented.
The last chapter in the report presents of the largest fish farming companies on a world basis, ranked by harvest quantity.

Salmon World 2006 describes the year 2005 and includes historical facts as well.

Features in the analysis:
· Production and market development for all salmon species by producing country and market
· The world’s 15 largest salmon and trout farming companies
· Value chain for fish farming in Norway and in Chile
· The global trade flow of salmon products

The report is available in English.

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Salmon World 2006