

SeaBOS launches first impact report

The initiative involves nine of the world’s largest seafood companies representing over 19% of the world’s seafood production.


The Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) initiative, which involves nine of the world’s largest seafood companies representing over 19% of the world’s seafood production, released its first impact report demonstrating joint action for ocean stewardship and reaffirming its members’ commitment to driving transparency and sustainable practices in the seafood industry.

The report shows the science anchoring of the collective efforts of the SeaBOS member companies and showcases concrete cases of individual and joint action. It shows the company actions taken in 2022-2023 and progress made on the challenges defined in the SeaBOS goals and commitments:

  • IUU Fishing & Modern Slavery: Risk assessments were conducted to identify and mitigate risks associated with forced labor and IUU fishing across member companies’ operations and supply chains.
  • Biodiversity & Ecosystems: Initiatives were launched to evaluate and manage biodiversity risks and impacts, including advancing the protection of endangered species.
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance: Implementation of a roadmap to reduce antibiotic use in seafood operations and enhance transparency in measurement and reporting.
  • Climate Resilience: Ambitious emissions reduction targets have been set by all companies with public reporting on emissions.
  • Ocean Plastic Reduction: A global ocean cleanup campaign has led to the recovery of 25 tonnes of oceanic plastic, complemented by measures to reduce plastic usage and assess packaging footprints in operations.

Acknowledging that much work still remains, the SeaBOS CEOs reaffirm their commitment to ocean stewardship with a clear goal to continue delivering on their ambitions, and work together and with partners to accelerate progress and impact for a sustainable seafood industry.

Read the report here.