

Seaweed manifesto for a sustainable development of the industry

The manifesto defines a vision for the industry, explores the opportunities and benefits, as well as outline the challenges and barriers for the responsible development of the industry.

Seaweed manifesto for a sustainable development of the industry

Led by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation together with supporters of seaweed industry from the private sector, research institutions, UN agencies and civil society, Seaweed revolution: A manifesto for a sustainable future defines a vision for the seaweed industry: an upscaled, responsible and restorative seaweed industry, playing a globally significant role in food security, climate change mitigation, and support to the marine ecosystem, as well as contributing to job creation and poverty alleviation.

Seaweed may be a gamechanger in future food, feed, fuel, carbon capture and storage, medicine, to name a few areas. Scientific research, industrial innovation and new operations can, together with governments and multilateral organizations, open the path for these new industries to deliver on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The seaweed manifesto is a visionary document outlining how seaweed can contribute to delivering on the sustainable development goals. It defines a vision for the industry, explores the opportunities and benefits, as well as outlining the challenges and barriers for the responsible development of the industry.

The focus is on the untapped potential, which might not be met without new thought-leadership and convening power to improve knowledge and expertise, develop new funding initiatives and influence policymakers, regulators and consumers.

Download the manifesto here.