

Sernapesca releases mid-year report on antimicrobial and antiparasitic use in aquaculture

The report indicates an increase in the use of antimicrobials in the marine phase compared to the previous year in Chile.

Credits: Sernapesca

The Chilean National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) has published a new Report on the Use of Antimicrobials and Antiparasitics for the first half of 2024. This report aims to provide information on the use of pharmaceuticals in Chilean aquaculture.

“Sernapesca is the entity responsible for regulating and supervising the use of pharmaceutical products in national aquaculture. The publication of information on the use of antimicrobials and antiparasitics not only serves as a key tool for managing their use in salmon farming but also reaffirms our commitment to transparency in this important economic activity for the country. The primary objectives are to preserve animal health, protect the environment, and safeguard human health, all framed within the National Plan Against Antimicrobial Resistance and under the One Health approach,” said Soledad Tapia Almonacid, national director of Sernapesca.

The report indicates an increase in the use of antimicrobials in the marine phase compared to the previous year, particularly during the early months of 2024. This uptick is primarily attributed to cases of Salmonid Rickettsial Septicemia (SRS), following environmental events in Los Lagos Region (harmful algal blooms) and Aysén Region (oxygen depletion) at the end of 2023.

In freshwater, usage indicators remained consistent with 2023 levels. However, a percentage increase in antimicrobial use was observed in Los Ríos Region, associated with the control of flavobacteriosis.

Although the report shows a rise in antimicrobial use, it is essential to wait for the full-year 2024 report, which will analyze not only the annual variation in indicators but also data related to the production cycles of concession groups. This comprehensive analysis will provide a clearer view of trends in pharmaceutical use within the national industry.

PROA-Salmon certification

The Antimicrobial Use Optimization Program (PROA-Salmon) is a voluntary certification issued by Sernapesca. Its objective is to promote awareness of responsible and efficient antimicrobial use and encourage practices for their prudent application. Certification is granted to marine grow-out centers that optimize antimicrobial use within program-defined limits or avoid their use entirely during a production cycle.

“Under our PROA-Salmon program, we have observed a steady increase in participating companies and a sustained rise in certified harvested tons. More importantly, certified production cycles show a significantly lower Antimicrobial Consumption Index (ICA) compared to the industry average. This is very encouraging, as it demonstrates the program’s effectiveness in fostering good practices in treatment application, promoting antimicrobial optimization,” Tapia Almonacid said.

Download the Report on the Use of Antimicrobials and Antiparasitics for the first 2024 half here.