

Shellfish News - Issue No. 31, Spring/Summer 2011

Shellfish News’ is produced and edited by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It is published twice yearly (Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter). In this issue ...


•Shellfish culture in a managed realignment site at Wallasea island
•Should UK aquaculture double by 2020?
•Sustainable abalone aquaculture
•Chemical water quality pilot study in the western Solent
•An update from the marine conservation zone project
•SARF funded shellfish R&D - latest update
•Invaders from the deep: marine invasive species in the UK
•ASSG annual conference 2010
•2011 annual meeting and technical workshop for reference laboratories for mollusc diseases
 •Don't miss out on funding for aquaculture and shellfish processing developments
•Scottish EFF grant success
•UK marine policy statement published
•National marine plan for Scotland
•Europe needs to move forward on maritime spatial planning
•Natural England marine reports
•Marine Science in Oban
•Mouse bioassay for the detection of Biotoxins in shellfish to cease
•Wales shows off its mussels with MSC certificate
•USA to breed a bigger, better pacific oyster
•Ocean acidification
•Focus on sources of river pollution
•FAO workshop on carrying capacity and site selection
•Shellfish: our undervalued resource
•Research on fish and shellfish safety
•Cefas commercial shellfish testing service
•Safer shellfish
News from SEAFISH      

News from the trade associations
•Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB)
•Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers (ASSG)
Shellfish production in the UK 2009

Research news

Shellfish in the press

Where to get help & advice

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