

Stabilizing Formulation Cost and Performance of Aquafeeds Require Innovative Approaches

The presentation by Dr. Peter Coutteau, Nutriad, Belgium,illustrates the development of a number of innovative feed additives to optimize the utilization efficiency of nutrients from traditional ingredients for aquaculture species [Aquafeed Horizons Asia, March 2010, Bangkok, Thailand]

Stabilizing Formulation Cost and Performance of Aquafeeds Require Innovative Approaches

Dr. Peter Coutteau, Business Development Manager Aquaculture, Nutriad, Belgium

In the livestock industry, a wide variety of feed additives are currently being investigated to improve cost-efficiency of animal nutrition. Organic acids, enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, highly available minerals, essential oils and natural plant extracts are some alternatives to antibiotics without causing bacterial resistance that would have at least similar effects on growth and food conversion. This active search for natural growth promoters is starting to extend into fish farming as consumer pressure is likely to ban antibiotics from production in most countries. Although the screening of these compounds for aquaculture has just started, promising results have been obtained with different species.

The presentation illustrates the development of a number of innovative feed additives to optimize the utilization efficiency of nutrients from traditional ingredients for aquaculture species [Aquafeed Horizons Asia, March 2010, Bangkok, Thailand].

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