

The Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database (AAFFD) - information request

The Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory of the University of Guelph (UG-FNRL) is leading a high profile project entitled the Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database (AAFFD) and is seeking interested stakeholders to share production data for the species of interest (or any cultured species of economic importance in Asia).

The Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database (AAFFD)

The Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory of the University of Guelph (UG-FNRL) is leading a high profile project entitled the Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database (AAFFD). One of the goals of the AAFFD is to help both current and future aquaculture formulators with some of the basic tools, training, and information needed to produce quality aquafeed formulations.

As part of the AAFFD project, the UG-FNRL is developing nutritional specifications for over 20 aquaculture species cultivated in Asia. A list of these species is attached (Table 1). The AAFFD will be made available online to the public, at no cost.

The UG-FNRL is seeking interested stakeholders to share production data for the species of interest (or any cultured species of economic importance in Asia). We understand that such data is confidential and proprietary in nature. Data will remain anonymous, with removal of any information connecting individual stakeholders to their respective data points.

Download full information from the link below.

