

The future of aquaculture in Indonesia

The Indonesian government has set ambitious targets for aquaculture growth up to 2030 but meeting the production targets will come at a cost for the environment.

To combat current high levels of malnutrition and stunting, the Indonesian government has set ambitious targets for aquaculture growth up to 2030. Fish already fundamentally contribute to the well-being of Indonesians by offering an affordable source of nutritious animal protein. However, to reach these targets, production will have to more than triple but meeting the production targets will come at a cost for the environment.

A WorldFish research has shown that widespread negative environmental consequences will result from reaching the proposed production targets using current farming practices. Consequently, more sustainable farming practices are needed that do not jeopardize the function of Indonesia’s valuable coastal ecosystem. The research looked at potential aquaculture interventions and innovations across several impact categories that would allow the aquaculture sector to grow without compromising the environment.
