

Towards Development of on-farm shrimp feed management practices - Survey

You are invited to participate in a study concerning the development of improved on-farm shrimp feed management practices, with a focus on small-scale farmers.

Dr Albert Tacon, Technical Director of Aquatic Farms Ltd and aquatic nutrition and feeds consultant, is conducting a desk study for the IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative concerning the development of improved on-farm shrimp feed management practices, with a focus on small-scale farmers. It is hoped that the study will be completed by the end of November 2015 and will highlight the sustainability issues on responsible feed management, including current practices and investment appetite from private and public sectors for future interventions. Shrimp feed manufacturers and farmers interested in participating in this study are invited to respond to the questions raised in the questionnaire attached for their respective country and/or company. For further information contact Dr Albert G. Tacon
