

US shrimp farmers focus on marketing

US shrimp producers are becoming more aggressive in the promotion of their products.
US shrimp farmers focus on marketing

US shrimp producers are becoming more aggressive in the promotion of their products. The US Marine Shrimp Farming Program's July/August "Industry Briefs" centers on this topic. Articles include:

  • Texas Launches Marketing Campaign Designed to Net New Opportunities for Texas Shrimp Producers, By D'Anne Stites, Coordinator, Texas Shrimp Marketing Program. 
  • Marketing a truly domestic shrimp industry, By Anthony C. Ostrowski, USMSFP Director
    Duties are only part of the answer, By Anthony C. Ostrowski, USMSFP Director 
  • Shrimp Marketing in the United States, By Granvil Treece, Aquaculture Specialist, Texas Sea Grant.
  • Shrimp and tourism in South Carolina , South Carolina Sea Grant participates in strategic planning

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