

Welfare in aquaculture: drivers, trends and best practice

The second edition of Benchmark Insights brings together scientists, academics, producers and investors to talk about how views on animal welfare have evolved in aquaculture and our society, and the impact this is having in the industry.

Welfare in aquaculture: drivers, trends and best practice

Benchmark released its second edition of Benchmark Insights, Welfare in aquaculture: drivers, trends and best practice. Through a series of interviews, this second edition brings together scientists, academics, producers and investors to talk about how views on animal welfare have evolved in aquaculture and our society, and the impact this is having in the industry.

Topics such as welfare during fish harvesting, the power of genetics in creating healthy and robust animals, “happy fish, happy farmers, healthy business” are all discussed, explored, experiences and best practices shared to help further the development and improvement of fish and shrimp welfare in aquaculture.

“As a leader in aquaculture biotechnology, our purpose is to drive sustainability in aquaculture. We do this in three ways: by being a proactive industry leader, working with our customers and partners to identify ways to help our industry grow sustainably, being a responsible operator, and having a real impact across the value chain through our products and solutions,” said Trond Williksen, Benchmark CEO. “Through Benchmark Insights we aim to bring together a wide range of perspectives and insights on some of the most important aspects of sustainable aquaculture. I would like to thank all the contributors to this publication for their valuable insights.”

Contributors are:

  • Philip Sourd, Senior Veterinarian, Grupo Culmarex
  • Peter Østergård, veterinarian and independent advisor
  • Felicity Hunting, recognized expert on fish behavior and welfare
  • Øistein Thorse, CEO FAI Farms
  • Nathan Pyne-Carter, Managing Director, Ace Aquatech
  • Alf-Gøran Knutsen, Managing Director, Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett AS
  • Jimmy Turnbull, Professor at Stirling University
  • Huw Golledge, CEO & Scientific Director at Universities Federation for Animal Welfare and the Humane Slaughter Association

Contributors from Benchmark are:

  • Oscar Hennig, Genetics Operations Director (shrimp)
  • Marcela Salazar, Gentics Scientific Director
  • Rudi Ripman Seim, Head of Production Norway and Global Fish Health Genetics
  • Francesco Lenzi, Technical Services Manager Artemia and Life Feed.

Download the report here.