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Dinnissen to debut feed processing innovations at Eurotier, Hannover

Hammer mill screen changing system, new applications for the Pegasus Vacuum Coater and a new generation of Sustainable Pegasus Mixers will be among the innovations on show

Dinnissen to debut feed processing innovations at Eurotier, Hannover 

Hammer mill screen changing system reduces labor, downtime and production loss

Dinnissen Process Technology has developed a new automatic screen changing system for hammer mills, which will be introduced during the 2010 Eurotier exhibition in Hannover, Germany in November 2010.

The automatic screen changing system offers speed, convenience and certainty in situations that require regular switches from one product to another. The automatic screen changer has enough space for three to five screen holders, each of which can hold two screen elements. The fully automatic system places the right screen panels in the screen holder and controls insertion of the appropriate screen panels from the screen holder into the hammer mill.

After completion of the production process, the screen changer also removes the screen panels from the hammer mill and stores them in the screen holders. The automatic screen changer makes it possible to automatically change screen panels in hammer mills, thereby minimizing downtime and preventing loss of production. The automatic screen changer can also be fitted with a screen detection system and/or an intelligent camera system, making it possible to identify and report possible damage from the control room.

Drying and production of functional feeds using the Pegasus Vacuum Coater
Dinnissen will introduce two new applications for the vacuum coater. The first of these focuses on the introduction of functional additives after the heating stage. These additives include a wide range of substances such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, taste enhancers, yeast and other enhancers, which can be added to powders, granules and granulates. Functional active ingredients can be processed as powders or liquids and are always added in the vacuum coater after the heating stage. This new functionality of the Pegasus Vacuum Coater therefore ensures that heat-sensitive substances remain active after being added to the product. Another advantage of introducing functional additives in the vacuum coater is that the (often very expensive) additives are dosed extremely precisely and homogeneously.

The second new application focuses on drying ingredients in the vacuum coater. Dinnissen’s innovation makes clever use of the natural science principle that substances reach their boiling point at a lower temperature in a vacuum. Consequently, the Pegasus Vacuum Coater is capable of removing moisture from products at lower temperatures. This new drying functionality of the vacuum coater makes it possible to retain the taste, colour and function of active substances such as vitamins and enzymes. The new drying functionality of the Pegasus Vacuum Coater can be combined with its existing functionalities in a single process step.

A new generation of Sustainable Pegasus Mixers
The twin-shaft Pegasus Mixer has established its reputation as a veritable workhorse in the product range supplied by Dinnissen Process Technology. The Pegasus Mixer is an accurate and efficient mixer which is fitted with a twin-shaft mixing mechanism rotating in the opposite direction. As a result, a unique fluidized zone is created during the mixing process which lies at the heart of the entire mixing concept. The twin-shaft mixing mechanism throws the raw ingredient particles lightly and loosely upwards with a vertical acceleration equal to the force of gravity (Froude number = ca 1). The process of causing the particles to float in air is extremely energy-efficient. This principle is the first step towards realizing overall energy savings of 60%. In addition, a situation in which the raw material particles are floating gently through the mixer is ideally suited to spraying powders and liquids onto the particles. As a result, the raw materials which need to be added and mixed in are distributed over the floating particles as soon as they are fed into the mixer.

The new series of Sustainable Pegasus Mixers makes it possible to reduce mixing times to one third of what can be realized using traditional ribbon mixers or single-shaft mixers. Reducing the mixing time further reduces energy consumption by 30% to 40%. In addition, the short mixing time makes it possible to increase capacity by 15% to 20%. Dinnissen recommends the standard application of a frequency control unit to allow for the stepless control of and input to the mixer. By controlling the speed of the mixer in this fashion, it becomes possible to further significantly increase the energy savings realized with the Pegasus Mixer.

The new series of Sustainable Pegasus Mixers is also equipped with Dinnissen’s special Energy Control Program which controls the mixers as energy-efficiently as possible. This program is one of the basic elements of the system and also results in significant energy savings in comparison to traditional ribbon or single-shaft mixers. The Energy Control Program optimizes the rotation speed of the mixers and ensures that the mixing process is carried out as quickly as possible while at the same time ensuring that the desired end result is achieved. The program also has built-in functionality for determining the optimum filling capacity as well as the speed with which raw materials can be added to the mixer and with which mixtures can be discharged via extra large release valves on the bottom. The goal is to ensure that the entire process is carried out in as sustainable and energy-efficient a fashion as possible.

XS4 Sifting for quickly and reliably fine-sifting large quantities of powders
By using a sophisticated combination of rotation speed, air flow movement and screen fineness, the new  ‘XS4 Sifting’ technology makes it possible to monitor and inspect large quantities of powders quickly (30 to 40 tonnes/hour) and reliably on even the finest screens (≤ 600 mµ). Due to its compact design, XS4 Sifting can be integrated into practically any new or existing pneumatic transport system for a wide range of applications, including big-bags, bulk carriers, silos, unloading systems and process technologies. XS4 Sifting can also be fitted with additional safety and hygiene equipment. The system was developed especially for companies in the animal feed and pet food sector.

XS4 Sifting has been specifically developed by Dinnissen Process Technology in Sevenum to enable companies to comply with stringent hygiene, food safety and quality standards in relation to the structure, fineness and homogeneity of raw ingredients as well as Atex safety standards. XS4 Sifting can be used as an extra step in the quality control of the various raw ingredients used in the animal feed and pet food sectors, including soy meal, corn, grain and starch. In conjunction with the use of metal detectors, magnets and sampling procedures, XS4 Sifting can play a valuable role in preventing contamination, reducing the amount of rework and guaranteeing the promised high level of final product quality.

XS4 Sifting is based on a centrifugal screen system in which the material to be sifted is introduced into the sifting chamber by a specially developed input system and is then kept in motion by rotating fins. This distributes the incoming material extremely evenly over the screen, thereby ensuring that the screen load is also evenly distributed and minimizing wear and tear as much as possible. The system acts like a centrifuge, encouraging fine raw material particles to pass through the screen, with the support of Air Flow technology when necessary. Larger particles are immediately transported to the rear and removed. By choosing an appropriate combination of rotation speed, Air Flow, screen fineness and screen length, practically any desired sifting result can be obtained. For example, a sifting performance of as much as 15 to 70 tonnes/hour can be achieved and powders can even be processed on the very finest screens (from 5 µ to 600 µ) extremely quickly and effectively. The screens used for monitoring and processing these fine particulates are especially designed for extra strength. In addition, they are also protected against damage from heavier objects with the help of additional built-in screen protectors.

Dinnissen’s XS4 Sifting system is available with screening cylinders of various sizes (up to a length of approximately 1500 mm), making it possible to apply the technology in line in existing (pneumatic) transport lines (up to a maximum overpressure of 2 bars). The XS4 Sifting system is equipped with removable screen baskets, thereby ensuring that screen inspection can take place quickly and easily. The XS4 Sifting system can also be fitted with CIP cleaning on the basis of air (or gas), allowing (semi) automatic cleaning of the screens. It is also available with a screen detection system or an intelligent camera system, making it possible to (automatically) monitor the screen panels from the control room. The XS4 Sifting system is highly versatile as well and can be ordered with an extra large screen surface for additional flexibility and security.

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