Food Safety: Swivel Valve Cooler MkII from Geelen Counterflow
The new Swivel Valve Cooler MkII from Geelen Counterflow has been designed for customers with very high food safety requirements where frequent cleaning and inspection are necessary, even if the risk of cross contamination is small to begin with.
The main advantage of the improved cooler design is that it enables fast and effective cleaning, inside and outside, with a minimum of cleaning residue.
The hood has been redesigned to avoid horizontal surfaces inside and outside. There are no ledges where cleaning water can stay behind. All external stiffening bars are in stainless steel. The air exhaust has no horizontal surfaces so no risk of product accumulation.
The bin walls contain giant doors which allow the side of the cooler to be completely opened for fast cleaning and inspection. Stiffening bars are all stainless.
The redesigned KWRVS swivel valve discharger (completely stainless steel) minimises the risk of cross contamination between different products.
The collecting hopper features a giant acces door, on hinges with air cylinders, which provides access to the discharger and the hopper itself.
For customers with the highest requirements in food safety, Geelen Counterflow said this cooler is the only serious option.
For more information please contact or call +31-475-592315
See the Geelen Counterflow range on FeedLink.