
Suppliers' News

ActiBeet® from AGRANA successfully registered in Philippines

Working together with ArcaGalleon Agriventures, AGRANA has secured approval of ActiBeet® registration from the Bureau of Animal Industry. The product is extracted from Austrian sugar beet molasses and is a natural source of betaine used extensively in animal nutrition. It is an effective organic osmolyte and methyl donor that is widely used in aquaculture. Benefits include better growth performance and improved carcass quality with low fat yield.

LinkAsia Partners is pleased to announce the successful registration of ActiBeet® in the Philippines. The product ActiBeet®, produced by AGRANA, is extracted from Austrian sugar beet molasses and is a natural source of betaine used extensively in animal nutrition. It is an effective organic osmolyte and methyl donor that is widely used in aquaculture. Benefits include better growth performance and improved carcass quality with low fat yield.

Working together with ArcaGalleon Agriventures, its distributor in the Philippines, AGRANA has secured approval of ActiBeet® registration from the Bureau of Animal Industry.

David Saunders, CEO of LinkAsia Partners said, “The partnership with Arca Galleon will open doors and help to deliver the benefits of ActiBeet® to the Philippines market. The availability of a natural betaine source from AGRANA provides the animal feed industry with a viable alternative for supply.”

“This is a significant milestone for us, as it marks the start of our business development in the Philippines with Arca Galleon,” said Michael Frey, Sales Director AGRANA Starch. “Arca Galleon has a professional team and broad distribution network in the Philippines, and we look forward to working with them as we take ActiBeet® to market.”

Learn more about AGRANA.