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Adisseo and Entobel join forces on alternative insect protein development

The companies have agreed to initiate an R&D collaboration to better understand and enhance insect rearing performance and the nutritional requirement of insects.

Adisseo and Entobel join forces on alternative insect protein development

Adisseo and Entobel partnered to join their respective expertise and work to better understand and enhance insect (black soldier fly) rearing performance and the nutritional requirement of insects. By evaluating the interest and adaptation of the existing solutions, they aim to improve the production of insect meal, focused on the performance of the insects and the quality of this protein meal, prioritizing the way to control the ingredients used to feed insects, and their complementarities with the most important feed additives, like methionine and enzymes.

Adisseo has a long and strong expertise. The company has been publishing its animal nutritional requirement guides since the '80s. The first famous one was Alimentation Equilibrée de Commentry Tables 1987, better known as “A.E.C. Tables”. In 2003, it was renamed as e-Rhodimet Nutrition Guide and focused on animal amino acid requirements. A new version issued in 2012 has been updated when relevant data are recognized by the scientific community.

The success of insect production and its adoption by customers will be depending on its competitiveness, volume availability and quality over time. Therefore, there is a need for transformation in the rearing process based on optimal insect growth performance and producing a meal and oil with good nutritional value, whatever the type and quality of the raw material needed to feed insects. Normally as a natural bio converter, insects can use all types of substrate to grow, with different FCR and mortality. This variability of substrates will require specific knowledge and a different combination of additives. 

Entobel has a long expertise in insect production and processing and is one of the most advanced and agile insect players in Asia with more than two years of stable production track record on its current site in South Vietnam. Entobel demonstrates already great stability of its feed formulation and thus was the perfect partner to optimize further with Adisseo additives portfolio. 

Thanks to its expertise in animal nutrition, amino acid requirement, animal digestibility, NIR ingredient analysis, Adisseo is the perfect partner to improve competitivity on Insect meal and oil production, the companies said.