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Alltech verifies 13 products with Where Food Comes From Inc

Where Food Comes From Inc, (IMI Global) a trusted resource for independent, third-party verification of food production practices, has launched ‘Feed Verified,’ a new resource for livestock producers, feed companies and food brands, that enables them to confirm a particular ingredient or feed product meets a specific verification or certification requirement.

Where Food Comes From Inc, (IMI Global) a trusted resource for independent, third-party verification of food production practices, has launched ‘Feed Verified,’ a new resource for livestock producers, feed companies and food brands, that enables them to confirm a particular ingredient or feed product meets a specific verification or certification requirement.

Alltech currently has 13 products listed on the Feed Verified resource, with plans to add more in the future. They are produced under the Alltech Quality System (AQS), which delivers the same level of quality assurance and traceability in each of Alltech’s geographical markets, based on a uniform process designed to meet and exceed other third-party systems of certification.

“Alltech has always been a leader in innovative technologies for the animal health industry,” said Dave Pfenninger, North American beef coordinator for Alltech. “Our focus is on natural nutritional solutions, which has made us a good fit for emerging verification programmes. Some programme requirements are multifaceted and comples, so we knew we needed the right partner to ensure our continued compliance in the marketplace. It was an easy decision when the IMI Global team introduced us to Feed Verified.”

The first of its kind, Feed Verified is an innovative resource that houses a real-time listing of approved feed products and ingredients by name, while indicating the verification or certification programmes for which each product is approved. The listing is multi-species, and includes direct hyperlinks to the individual product websites for easy access to additional information and/or purchasing opportunities.

“Five years ago we were only concerned about animal by-products. Today it is that plus antibiotics, growth promotants, genetically modified organisms, organic ingredients, even the percentage of protein in the diet,” said John Saunders, chairman and CEO of Where Food Comes From, Inc.
“It only takes the tiniest of ingredients to disqualify an entire generation of animals from a specific verification programme, even when everything else is done exactly right. That is exactly why Feed Verified came to be. We want to do everything in our power to enable farmers to be transparent about how they are producing food and Feed Verified is another tool to help them succeed in that endeavour.”

Many of the top players in the food industry have been utilising the resources provided by Where Food Comes From, Inc, some by displaying label and QR codes that provide consumers with further details on the food they are purchasing.

A current version of the resource, can be viewed here.