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Analytics - an essential tool to boost your business; Download Evonik's AMINODat Aqua nutrients amino acid content table

The brochure provides a comprehensive overview of Analytics; download amino acid content table for cereals and ceral by products, plant protein and animal by-products

Analytics – an essential tool to boost your business; Download Evonik's AMINODat Aqua nutrients amino acid content table

“Analytics – an essential tool to boost your business” is the title of a new 16-page brochure released by the Health & Nutrition Business Unit from Evonik Industries, Essen, Germany. For over 50 years the largest amino acid lab in the world has used state-of-the art analytical procedures of highest accuracy. In 2009 more than 100,000 samples of raw materials, premixes and feed have been analyzed by AMINOLab (wet chemistry) and AMINONIR (NIR technology).

Based on this experience Evonik’s analytical services offer unique opportunities to increase profitability along the whole value chain of animal nutrition. For screening and monitoring incoming raw materials AMINONIR and AMINODAT deliver data for precise raw material evaluation. This drives accurate feed formulation with up-to-date ingredient matrix values reducing safety margins, while meeting the highest feed quality standards.

Analytical data Advanced (ADA) provide an easy and secure access via intranet connection to support a rapid transfer and organization of analytical data.
Feed mill management and nutrition quality control benefits through AMINOBatch and AMINOLab in assuring mixing quality as well as a high level of feed quality control.

Livestock production looks for optimum nutrient supply for specific production goals. Evonik’s analytical services provide the figures and numbers to manage economic and environmentally friendly production.

The brochure provides a comprehensive overview of Analytics - an essential tool to boost your business. Order your personal copy at

Evonik is the only company in the world which produce and market all four important amino acids for advanced animal nutrition: DL-Methionine, L-Lysine (Biolys), L-Threonine and L-Tryptophan. In over 100 countries of the world the feed additives business delivers innovative services and products, and contributes to customers’ profitability while enabling healthy and environmentally friendly animal nutrition.

Please download Evonik's AMINODat Aqua nutrients amino acid content table for cereals and ceral by products, plant protein and animal by-products from the link below (PDF).
