
Suppliers' News

Anpario celebrates 25th anniversary of its phytogenic solution

Orego-Stim was developed to help manage intestinal health and support gut integrity for optimum animal performance.


Anpario developed Orego-Stim to help manage intestinal health and support gut integrity for optimum animal performance and 25 years later the use of the phytogenic solution continues to grow, endorsed by livestock and aquaculture producers worldwide.

While during the past three decades, the product range has extended to provide innovative, species-specific solutions, the 100% natural oregano essential oil (OEO) foundation remains the same.

The single source, whole OEO found only in Orego-Stim contains 100+ active compounds recognized for their importance to support animal health and performance, including carvacrol, p-cymene and thymol. These components of the natural oil work synergistically to provide well-documented properties, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions.

Managing gut health is increasingly recognized as essential for both the health and performance of livestock and aquaculture species. The benefits of phytogenic solutions are far better understood and evidenced today, thanks to extensive research. The gastrointestinal tract plays a critical role in nutrient absorption, and approximately 70% of immune cells reside within the gut. Producers who understand the importance of maintaining a healthy gut, and ensuring a balanced and diverse gut microbiome, will benefit from optimal health, performance, and profitability. In addition, supporting animal health can also be beneficial in reducing the need for therapeutic antibiotics. Healthy, robust animals are far better able to deal with disease and environmental challenges, thus helping reduce reliance on antimicrobials, which is of fundamental importance in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and safeguarding the future efficacy of antibiotics.

“Our customers attribute Orego-Stim’s reliability on the farm to its unique fingerprint and unrivaled consistency, maintained by rigorous quality control throughout the production process. This ensures the quality and quantity of active components found in every batch, and consistent results are observed in animal performance,” commented Sarah Osborne, Anpario’s corporate development director.

“Over the past three decades, Anpario has worked with university, research, and commercial partners conducting over 150 trials in 34 countries, across 14 species, evidencing how Orego-Stim offers producers a sustainable solution in meeting both AMR and net zero targets while supporting optimal lifetime performance. Orego-Stim’s longevity can be attributed to the fact that it is backed by science, balanced with consistent on-farm success,” continued Sarah.

Anpario intends to mark this milestone anniversary in a number of ways including a seminar and visit to observe the oregano field production and OEO distillery with customers in the summer, plus other opportunities to celebrate at tradeshows and customer seminars across the globe. In addition, Orego-Stim's packaging is getting a fresh new look in 2024, the specialist multi-layered foil bags are a vital component to ensure no loss of actives and optimum two-year shelf life.