
Suppliers' News

Anpario reports increased sales despite pandemic

The company recently launched Orego-Stim® for the aquaculture market and is performing early commercial trials in Latin America.

Anpario reports increased sales despite pandemic

Anpario reported a strong performance with sales and profit growth achieved during an extraordinary period as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts countries around the world. The group reacted quickly by implementing its contingency plans which included a split production system, remote working and using communication technology to support our global sales team and customers. The result has been very positive as the group sales for the six months to June 30, 2020, grew by 13% to £16.2m with strong performances in most of the regions in which the group trades.

The company recently launched Orego-Stim® for the aquaculture market and early commercial trials in Latin America are being performed. “Commercial production replacing commonly used antibiotics are demonstrating the real potential to grow shrimp and fish in an antibiotic-free manner. Additionally, we are seeing increased success with our eubiotic products where customers experience improved growth, reduced mortality and the resulting significant financial benefits. These positive developments are all being achieved from Anpario’s development program that is based around leveraging our existing technology in new markets and applications,” the company said.

“We remain confident of continuing the profitable development of the group. Our strong balance sheet provides Anpario with the resources to expand our global reach and undertake earnings enhancing and complementary acquisitions which may arise in these uncertain times,” said Peter Lawrence, chairman.