
Suppliers' News

Anpario signs manufacturing partnership in India

Saife Vetmed will produce Orego-Stim in India to offer it in a more affordable package to customers and speed up sales growth in the country.

The contracts were signed by Andrew Jackson Anpario plc Commercial Director and Dr Ali Asgar (founder of Saife Vetmed India) in the presence of his senior team.

Natural animal feed additives specialist, Anpario, and Saife Vetmed India signed a manufacturing partnership under a license agreement to produce and expand sales of Orego-Stim in India.

In the past ten years, economic development in India has seen a regular year-on-year growth of 6% of GDP, consequently, the market is attracting significant interest from international producers of feed ingredients. India is the second largest producer of eggs in the world behind China, the eighth largest producer of chicken meat, the largest producer of milk contributing 24% of all the milk produced in the world and is the second largest producer of shrimp behind Ecuador.

Saife Vetmed, based in New Delhi, has successfully represented Anpario’s flagship product Orego-Stim in India since 2008. Orego-Stim, developed and manufactured by Anpario, is a phytogenic feed additive formulated from a unique source of 100% natural oregano essential oil, and is proven to support profitable, health and performance in all species. Changes to production practices and a greater focus on sustainable solutions to drive healthy profitable growth, combined with improved access to the market over the past two years have almost tripled Orego-Stim sales and the partnership is ready to move to the next level.

“We believe it is the right moment to increase our focus on India and capitalize on the opportunity such a significant market represents to Anpario,” said Andrew Jackson, commercial director at Anpario. “India is a significant opportunity, but it is also a considerable challenge. To be successful in such a goliath of a market, we need a stable and knowledgeable partner. In Saife Vetmed we believe we have found that partner.”

To help expand the sales opportunity more quickly the two parties have agreed upon and signed a first and unique production under licence agreement. “The objective of such an agreement is to allow the partnership to offer Orego-Stim in a more affordable package to customers in India and so speed up our sales growth in the country,” explained Jackson.

Major (ex) Bhupendra Singh, Saife Vetmed’s production manager, visited Anpario’s production facility in the UK earlier in the year to understand the exacting standards required to produce Orego-Stim and meet the high-quality specifications. The Saife Vetmed production facility based in Dehradun, in the foothills of the Himalia, holds GMP+ accreditation.