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Aquaintech unveils new website and probiotic

In its 27th year, the company updated its website and launched a new probiotic that can replace pond side culture. 

Aquaintech unveils new website and probiotic

Aquaintech Inc. is entering its 27th year focused on improving aquatic animal production environments and increasing profitability. The company updated its corporate website,, to include many of the elements that were formerly on multiple sites and added a number of new features. This includes dozens of articles Stephen G. Newman, president and CEO Aquaintech Inc., has written with new ones being added as time allows in addition to in-depth product information with field trial results of the company’s microbial products. 

Aquaintech recently added a product to its pipeline that can replace pond side culture. MicroPRO+++ (formerly PRO4000XTR) is a product that releases Bacillus spores on a constant basis throughout the production cycle. This is composed of five species of Bacillus that will grow to the numbers that the availability of food and competition determine. The cylinder can be hung in flowing water in front of an aerator or, if water is being exchanged, where it is entering the pond in front of the gate.  

“We began blogging with this new incarnation of our website. New and past articles are featured. If you want to access these articles before we publish, please sign up and become a member. We want to thank all our clients and customers over the years and hope that they have weathered the worst of COVID-19,” Newman said.