
Suppliers' News

Bühler PolyOne Single Screw Extruder debuts at Victam

Bühler launched its new single-screw extruder PolyOne at VICTAM International 2019. The company is showcasing solutions for the entire feed value chain, with a special focus on how to use digital services to make the feed industry safer, and more profitable.

June 12, 2019

Bühler launched its new single-screw extruder PolyOne at VICTAM International 2019. The company is showcasing solutions for the entire feed value chain, with a special focus on how to use digital services to make the feed industry safer, and more profitable.

“PolyOne enables our customers to maximize their productivity, and helps to prevent product recalls,” says Christoph Naef, Head of Business Unit Nutrition at Bühler Group. PolyOne meets highest food and feed safety standards thanks to its perfected hygienic design. It is a modular system so Bühler can adapt PolyOne to customers’ specific needs, such as higher capacities.

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