
Suppliers' News

Belgian feed software company to participate in state visit to China

Adifo, the Belgian company producing strategic software tools for feed and food producers, is to be part of a state visit to China at the end of June. Representatives from the company will be part of a 100-strong business delegation accompanying King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, who have been invited by President Xi Jinping.

Adifo, the Belgian company producing strategic software tools for feed and food producers, is to be part of a state visit to China at the end of June. Representatives from the company will be part of a 100-strong business delegation accompanying King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, who have been invited by President Xi Jinping.

The trip, organised in cooperation with Flanders Investment & Trade, will take in Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen, and focus on exploring production and innovation processes in China.

Several signing ceremonies have been organised during the visit, during which the cooperation between Belgian and Chinese companies will be officially confirmed in the presence of Their Majesties.

Adam Sneep, CEO of Adifo, is excited about the visit.

“Our company has been active in China for a couple of years now. By opening up our own subsidiary and installing local sales and service teams, Adifo is planting an ever firmer foot on Chinese territory. We will meet a number of our customers during the state visit and are pleased to be holding a signing ceremony with a Chinese company that has selected Adifo’s BESTMIX® software to steer its feed formulation and quality control systems in the right direction,” said Sneep.