
Suppliers' News

BioExx Forms Science Advisory Board and Announces New VP

BioExx team to help goal of leadership in cold temperature extraction technologies and the production of protein concentrates from oilseeds

BioExx Forms Science Advisory Board and Announces New VP

Bio-Extraction Inc.  has formed a new Science Advisory Board. The purpose of the Science Advisory Board will be to bring the knowledge and experience of the individual members together to assist BioExx in fulfilling its mission to become a world leader in cold temperature extraction technologies and in the production of protein concentrates from oilseed feedstocks.

The company siad each member brings a vast amount of market and technical knowledge in  their respective fields including engineering and design for low temperature extraction technology, chemical innovations and diagnostic chemistry, large scale process and product development, health and nutrition, and aquaculture nutrition and feed development. Each of these areas of expertise will help ensure that the first plant being constructed by BioExx will be able to maximize its effectiveness at producing its multiple products while maintaining the highest quality and lowest cost per unit of any comparable facility.

The Advisory Board comprises four scientists who have agreed to serve for renewable periods of two years. They are Dr. Peter F. Wilde (B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.L.S.); Dr. Tom MacMurray (B.Sc., Ph.D.); Dr. Albert G.J. Tacon (B.Sc., Ph.D.) and  Dr. Lisette Mascarenhas (M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA).

BioExx has also appointed Samah Garringer as Vice President of Business Development.

"The addition of the Science Advisory Board represents one more important building block now put in place as we rapidly progress toward constructing our first full scale facility," says BioExx president, Chris Carl.

"Our team has a strict mandate to conclude development and commence construction of this
facility this year and everyone is working very hard to ensure we succeed at this. However, this team is also capable of managing the rapid growth that we foresee that will follow our first plant and I am very excited and proud of the team that we have established. We are embarking on a commercial path that
promises to set new milestones in the ability to produce foods, fuels, and industrial products from renewable seed crops. It is our firm intention to raise the bar significantly in each of these areas."