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Biomin releases results of 2018 Phytogenic Feed Additives survey

Biomin has announced the publication of new survey results on the use of phytogenic feed additives (PFAs, or botanicals) in farm animal diets worldwide. According to the results, the digestibility enhancement and antimicrobial effects of phytogenics continue to rank as the two top reasons for the application of PFAs in animal diets. “The interest in how plant-based substances can contribute to better health and performance of farm animals remains strong among the feed and animal protein industries in all sectors and geographies, as evidenced by the latest findings.”
June 27, 2018

Biomin has announced the publication of new survey results on the use of phytogenic feed additives (PFAs, or botanicals) in farm animal diets worldwide. 

The recently published 2018 Biomin Phytogenic Feed Additives Survey report reveals insights on the views of more than 700 nutritionists, business owners, veterinarians and consultants located in over 80 countries who are involved in the animal protein industry. 

Key findings

  • 51% of respondents use phytogenic feed additives.
  • 60% of respondents report that their PFA use will increase over the next 12 months. 
  • The digestibility enhancement and antimicrobial effects of phytogenics continue to rank as the two top reasons for the application of PFAs in animal diets.

“We’ve seen an extraordinary response from this initiative,” commented Michael Noonan, Global Product Line Manager Phytogenics at Biomin. “The interest in how plant-based substances can contribute to better health and performance of farm animals remains strong among the feed and animal protein industries in all sectors and geographies, as evidenced by the latest findings.”

This is the second consecutive year that Biomin has commissioned a market research survey of agribusiness professionals in the global protein industry.

Though attention on plant-based compounds in animal nutrition has surged, phytogenic feed additives are not new. “Since Digestarom® was first commercialized in 1989, the scientific understanding of precisely-defined PFAs and their effects in animals has expanded exponentially,” stated Mr Noonan.

“The ‘-omics’ technologies have revealed quite a lot in recent years. With advanced next-generation sequencing (NGS) tools, we can now measure the changes in gene expression that result from PFA application,” he observed. 

A large majority of respondents face stable or rising feed costs while simultaneously looking to reduce the level of antibiotic use in their operations, according to the survey.

“Whether your aim is to optimize feed costs, nutrient digestibility of raw materials or to reduce antibiotic use, phytogenic feed additives have a role to play,” explained Mr Noonan. “The key to success is to adopt a 360-degree approach that includes biosecurity, management, nutrition, health and good gut performance.”

Plant-based phytogenic feed additives – specifically essential oils, plant extracts, herbs and spices – are known to have a range of biologically active properties that can be applied to modern animal production. These include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and digestion enhancing effects.

Click here to read the complete survey report