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Biomin sees vision and business aligned with sustainable livestock future

According to Biomin, many of the factors influencing the feed and livestock industry can be understood as a ‘mega-trend’ of sustainability. This was a hot topic at the 2018 World Nutrition Forum, where Biomin executives discussed how the company employs sustainable practices throughout its value chain. During the Forum, which took place in South Africa, Biomin also expressed its commitment to supporting sustainable livestock production in Africa.
October 4, 2018

According to Biomin, many of the factors influencing the feed and livestock industry can be understood as a ‘mega-trend’ of sustainability—setting a trajectory that promises to shape the future protein economy.

“Producing affordable food, generating employment, reducing the environmental footprint of farm animals, ensuring their health and welfare, along with the responsible use of antibiotics can all be seen as a move toward greater sustainability,” observed Jan Vanbrabant, CEO of ERBER Group, in remarks made shortly before the official opening ceremony of the 2018 World Nutrition Forum in Cape Town, South Africa. 

“At the same time, both climate change and technological innovation have begun to have a greater impact on agriculture in recent years—introducing new opportunities and challenges for the feed and livestock industry where scientific advancement can play a role,” he added. 

“Our main contribution to sustainability is the application of our solutions in livestock,” noted Mr. Vanbrabant. “Bringing scientific innovation to feed and livestock producers throughout the world follows our value proposition, the 3 S’s, which stand for Science, Service and Speed,” explained Mr. Vanbrabant. 

The 8th World Nutrition Forum in Cape Town, South Africa provided the appropriate setting for Biomin to expound upon its business activities on the continent.

“We are committed to Africa, and supporting sustainable livestock in a way that benefits all stakeholders,” noted Albert Van Rensburg, Regional Director Africa and Managing Director of Biomin South Africa, adding “Our commitment to Africa means bringing the full value proposition of ERBER Group to South Africa and beyond.” 

On 2 October 2018, Biomin hosted the kick-off meeting of MycoSafe-South, a research project to tackle mycotoxin-related food safety issues in sub-Saharan Africa.

In addition, the creation of a new regional business unit that encompasses Africa and the Middle East is expected to provide further focus and enhanced customer support.  

“We have set high ambitions for ourselves—not just for sales but also for successful customer outcomes and stakeholder engagement,” stated Mr. Van Rensburg.