
Suppliers' News

Buhler International “Locally available to customers around the world”

The Buhler sales organization is near customers in 140 countries with over forty affiliated companies, additional branch offices, and numerous agencies. Sales & Service is not merely a division in the Group, but a philosophy

In order to grow as a business, you need an efficient sales organization that is very close to customers. This philosophy has always been a strategic pillar in the Buhler Group, which has been present in Spain for almost 110 years, in South America for 75, and in Japan for 60. Even in China, Buhler’s local presence goes back 25 years. China, in particular, has been developed over the past years into a major production and service center.

Buhler’s credo is growth. It is therefore natural for its Sales & Service organization to adjust continuously to changing needs.

Different requirements
Many new growth countries such as China and India beside countries in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, or South America are experiencing sharp economic growth. The purchasing power of their swelling populations is growing, leading to marked industrialization. This is particularly true for the food industries. The need for new technologies in industries such as food production, coatings, or die casting are rising along with the growing requirements. But these requirements vary widely with the specific markets. What all have in common is that they call for competent, smooth, and especially fast customer service. These are precisely the reasons why the Buhler Sales & Service organization wants to be near its customers. It must speak its customers’ languages, understand their mentality, know the business situation of their environment, and at the same time be capable of providing the proper technological support.

Focus on economic regions
The customers of the various Buhler business units are no longer active merely in isolated local markets. They have become players in vaster economic regions. For example, many German companies are expanding to Eastern Europe; businesses based in Hong Kong or Singapore are moving into the whole of Southeast Asia; and corporations from Latin America are developing the entire South American continent. These changes are a challenge also for Buhler. As a result, the Swiss Technology Group with its sales organization is setting its focus on economic regions, the goal being to assist its customers in their investment projects in new markets.

New regions concept
In its international companies, Buhler employs over 3,000 people, of which more than 1,000 alone in Sales & Service. With its new regions concept, which covers eleven regions, Buhler can offer its customers more expertise than ever. This approach enables functions such as sales and service, engineering, technology, procurement, logistics, and - where possible - even production to be reoriented. It gives customers easier access to specific Buhler expert knowledge on a transnational basis - for a successful expansion strategy.

Buhler is a global Technology Group and a system partner for the supply of plant, equipment, and process know-how in the fields of Food Processing, Chemical Engineering, and Die Casting, with some 6,200 employees worldwide.