
Suppliers' News

Calanus AS invests in a new production facility

The decision has been triggered by the government's decision to open for commercial harvesting of Calanus finmarchicus and the increasing demand for the company's products.

June 6, 2019

Calanus AS is a Norwegian biomarine company pioneering harvesting and utilization of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. The company has developed the entire value chain for sustainable harvesting and biorefining of the hitherto unused resource C. finmarchicus, which is Norway\'s largest renewable and harvestable marine resource. The company manufactures unique health and nutrition products that are for sale or under launch in several countries.

Based on the government's decision to open for commercial harvesting of C. finmarchicus, and increasing demand for the company's products, Calanus AS has now decided to build the first full-scale industrial pilot plant for biorefining of C. finmarchicus. The plant will be located above the Arctic circle, in Sortland in northern Norway.

CEO Gunnar Rørstad in Calanus AS stated that they “are pleased that the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries has decided to open for commercial harvesting of Calanus finmarchicus. Calanus AS has developed extensive knowledge on the harvesting of the resource and its products - as well as the market opportunities for this exciting raw material. The market potential for our unique health and nutrition products has been confirmed, both through strong customer growth in Norway and considerable international interest. To be able to serve existing and future customers, it is absolutely necessary to increase our production capacity.”

The factory project has a total investment budget of €18 million, of which €7 million is to be financed with equity.

The company's main product is Calanus® Oil, an ecologically responsible and sustainable source of omega-3 fatty acids for humans. The company also works with functional ingredients aimed at both human and animal applications, including the global aquaculture industry.