
Suppliers' News

Calanus on track for international growth

Innovation Norway granted NOK7.5 million ($801,000) in extraordinary innovation grants to Calanus to support the commercialization of the company's value chain.

Calanus on track for international growth

Innovation Norway granted NOK7.5 million ($801,000) in extraordinary innovation grants to Calanus to support the commercialization of the company's value chain. The project includes the development of a sustainable supply chain for Calanus, activities related to international market expansion and regulatory approval, as well as implementation and training in new systems for efficient operation.

Based on the government's decision to open up for commercial harvesting of Calanus finmarchicus, Calanus AS is building its first industrial biorefining plant in Sortland, Norway. The investment amounts to NOK170 million ($18 million), and the plant is now being completed and will be taken into use during the first quarter of 2021. Interest in the company's products is significant and with an increased delivery capacity, Calanus AS is intensifying its marketing efforts with a view to expansion both in and outside Norway.

“We are very grateful that Innovation Norway shows us confidence by supporting our innovation work. The financing strengthens the basis for industrial upscaling of a new Norwegian biomarine value chain. The project will help reduce risk by phasing in our new factory, the first of its kind, and strengthen the basis for achieving market access and successful introduction of our products in new countries and sales channels,” said Gunnar Rørstad, CEO of Calanus AS.

Innovation Norway's financial adviser, Thomas Stien, said that “as part of the authorities' efforts to limit the negative effects of the corona pandemic, Innovation Norway has been given an increased framework for innovation grants aimed at the company with growth ambitions. The support will help the companies carry out good and socially beneficial innovation projects. The project of Calanus AS meets our criteria and is in line with the government's bioeconomy strategy.”

Find more information on Calanus in the latest issue of Aquafeed Magazine.