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Can feed ingredients reduce off-flavors in RAS?

KnipBio is conducting a pilot program with several RAS facilities to determine whether salmonids and other finfish fed a diet containing 5% of their single-cell protein product have lower levels of off-flavors.

Can feed ingredients reduce off-flavors in RAS?

KnipBio is exploring feed additives to reduce off-flavors and ensure purging does not affect fish mass and revenues. The company is conducting a pilot program with several RAS facilities to determine whether salmonids and other finfish fed a diet containing 5% of their single-cell protein product have lower levels of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, reported the Global Aquaculture Advocate.

“We are extremely encouraged by what we have seen so far, working directly with RAS producers,” said Larry Feinberg, CEO of KnipBio. “Our next step is to expand our findings to include other species and to optimize the feeding regime to maximize overall performance.”

Although KnipBio is still conducting trials, the feed has been FDA-approved and is being manufactured at a commercial scale. Feinberg believes it is the first commercial nutritional solution to address off-flavors in RAS.