Dinatec appoints regional marketing and technical director for the Middle Eastern operations
Dr. Martin Moreira, president and CEO for Dinatec Inc., (Diversified Nutri-Agri Technologies), a leading biotechnology and feed additive company, recently announced the appointment of Dr. Hatem A.R. Saleh as regional marketing and technical director for the Middle Eastern operations in the countries of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait and Oman.
Dr. Hatem will be based out of Amman, Jordan and brings his expertise to expand and improve technical support to all Middle Eastern distributors and customer base and aid in the introduction of Dinatec's new probiotic and toxin binding line of products including but not limited to MYCOLACTOR dry and liquid.
Dr. Hatem received his degree as Doctor in Veterinary Medicine degree from Jordan university of science and technology (JUST) in 1997 and may be currently contacted at: Tel: +962 40 24 755; Fax: +962 40 22 747; Mobile: +962 777 46 14 46; Home Tel: +962 6 5829527
E-mail: drhatem-saleh@dinatec.com; hatemsaleh@orange.jo; hatem_vet@yahoo.com. Skype name: hatemvet.