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dsm-firmenich enters the single cell proteins arena

The company has already tested them in trout showing excellent performance when compared to feeds containing fishmeal and soy protein concentrate.


dsm-firmenich has developed new single-cell proteins (SCPs) which have the capacity for the production of net-zero carbon protein to help meet demand and feed the global population within planetary boundaries.

"dsm-firmenich has a vast library of microbial strains of algae, fungi, bacteria and yeasts. For smart protein, we are working with our library of single cell proteins from bacteria and yeast," Karim Kurmaly, director Smart Protein at dsm-firmenich, told "The development strains can use a variety of feedstocks. Our smart protein concept is designed to be produced using renewable energy and be net zero carbon."

Trials at the DSM Bioscience Centre in Delft have shown excellent performance of its single cell proteins when compared to feeds containing fishmeal and soy protein concentrate.

Rainbow trout were grown for 12 weeks on different inclusions of SCP ranging from 0%, 5%, 10% to 20% on extruded feeds, with single cell protein replacing a combination of fishmeal and soy protein concentrate. The data indicates single cell protein inclusion has no negative impact on fish performance measured by final body weight.

SCP will ensure the sustainability of food systems by partially decoupling animal production from conventional inputs and associated challenges, e.g., fertilizer use, deforestation, and water while helping to fill the projected protein gap.

Net zero single-cell proteins are part of a $4 billion animal feed alternative protein market that is expected to double in size within a decade. They represent an opportunity to provide nutrients that are essential to our food systems while making them considerably more sustainable.