
Suppliers' News

Dutch Royal Schouten Group financial results

Dutch Royal Schouten Group Sees 21% Increase in Net Results over 2002

The Dutch Royal Schouten Group (RSG) of companies based in Giessen, The Netherlands, presented the financial results to their shareholders today and were able to show excellent performance over 2002. RSG’s net result increased with 21% compared from 4.7 mln euros in 2001 to 5.7 mln euros in 2002.

RSG comprises 4 divisions – Acatris, Orffa, Schouten Products and Nutrilab – that are active in the markets for ingredients and additives for human and animal health and nutrition. Total turnover of the group adds up to 353 mln euros, which is lower than the previous year. However, operating and net result grew in 2002 with 8.5% and 21.1% amounting to 9.5 mln euros and 5.7 mln euros respectively. RSG’s return on investment rose to 24% in 2002 compared to the 21.8% in 2001.

In 2001 RSG was restructured and 2002 was the first full year the new organization was operational. “The past year was a transitional year for all divisions with the Royal Schouten Group”, says Prof Dr Bert Piëst, Chief Executive Officer of RSG, “the reorganization and consequently the focus on the RSG’s spearheads as well as the disinvestments of the non-core activities contributed substantially to the results of 2002.”

RSG strives to have a leading position in the markets for human and animal health nutrition in both Europe and North America. Bert Piëst: “Our European sales network in the feed markets and the our strong niche positions in the food markets are an excellent platform for further sustainable and profitable growth.”

For more information on RSG or a copy of the annual report, please visit