
Suppliers' News

European Commission renews authorization of probiotic for use in aquaculture

Lallemand’s probiotic bacteria BACTOCEL, the only probiotic authorized for use in aquaculture in Europe, renewed its authorization.

European Commission renews authorization of probiotic for use in aquaculture

Lallemand Animal Nutrition announced the authorization of its probiotic bacteria BACTOCELL - Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 (MA 18/5M) - as a zootechnical feed additive for use in aquaculture has been renewed by the European Commission. It is authorized in all fish and all crustaceans, including ornamental species. P. acidilactici CNCM I-4622 remains the only probiotic authorized for use in aquaculture in the European Union.

P. acidilactici CNCM I-4622 is among the most documented probiotic strains used in aquaculture. This unique probiotic contributes to better digestive health of fish and shrimps and leads to an optimized performance by stabilizing and safeguarding the gut microflora, supporting gut integrity and nutrient uptake and supporting the natural defenses of fish and shrimps.