
Suppliers' News

Fish Meal and Fish Oil from Morocco's Sardines and Mackerel Purse Seine Fishery Certified Sustainable

Main European supplier Sovapec & Maromega obtains Friend of the Sea certification

Fish Meal and Fish Oil from Morocco's Sardines and Mackerel Purse Seine Fishery Certified Sustainable

Fish Meal and Fish Oil from Morocco’s Sardines and Mackerel Purse Seine Fishery Certified Sustainable

Sovapec & Maromega, part of the Kabbage Group, has obtained Friend of the Sea certification. A main supplier of fish meal and fish oil to Europe and the international market, the company sources exclusively from Friend of the Sea certified Morocco’s sardines and mackerel, fished selectively with purse seiners on a stock that is considered by FAO as not overexploited.

“This certification is important for us as it reassures our customers and distinguishes our product from others with origins not certified as sustainable” commented Mr Abbouh Malainin Mohamed, Director of Sovapec & Maromega “We also feel the responsibility to influence the Morocco fishing fleet to maintain compliance to the requirements”.
Friend of the Sea’s criteria for aquaculture now require companies to use only feed certified sustainable by Friend of the Sea, when the specific species’ feed is already available on the market (currently seabream, seabass and sturgeon available). Friend of the Sea encourages  Organic/Bio certification schemes to apply the same restrictive requirement to their companies in order to maintain a standard level of requirement industry-wide.