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Fishmeal replacers and mixing and grinding services available in the new LSAqua facility

The Belgium-based compound feed company, finished the commissioning of its compound feed factory and is now in production. The facility has been approved for handling Category 3 resources.

Fishmeal replacers and mixing and grinding services available in the new LSAqua facility

LSAqua, a Belgium-based compound feed company, finished the commissioning of its compound feed factory and is now producing LSAqua fishmeal replacer and other concentrates for aquatic species. The factory, located in Hooglede (West-Vlaanderen, Belgium), between Ostend and Zeebrugge port, has been approved for handling Category 3 materials (processed animal by-products) and possesses the license for manufacturing and exporting to different European and non-European countries.

LSAqua is the new section of the Lambers-Seghers Nv. The company is a family Belgian SME that produces compound feeds for farmed animal species, mainly pig and ruminants, with a solid reputation for personalized customer service and decades of experience as well as its unrelenting focus on quality.

LSAqua specializes in aquaculture nutrition and produces sustainable and personalized products to meet customer’s needs. The company developed a fishmeal replacer and concentrate to substitute fishmeal of aquafeed diets.

A wide range of protein-rich by-products such as poultry, hydrolyzed feather meal, blood meal, single-cell protein, etc. are available in the factory. “With this factory, we moreover offer the possibility of mixing and/or grinding services under private label with our technical support and tailor-made assistance. This possibility is not exclusive of our sector of expertise. We are open to mix and manufacture for other sectors beyond ours (e.g. pet food, pigs, chicken, etc),” the company said.