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FRAmelco to rename as Adisseo NL

After the acquisition by Adisseo, the company will change the name from FRAmelco B.V. to Adisseo NL B.V., which will take place on September 1, 2022. 

FRAmelco to rename as Adisseo NL

In December 2020, the FRAnklin Group (FRAmelco, Sustainable Nutrition, FRAnklin Asia) was acquired by the Bluestar Adisseo Company. Both groups have been working on a plan to integrate FRAmelco into the Adisseo family and the first step is changing the name from FRAmelco B.V. to Adisseo NL B.V., which will take place on September 1, 2022. 

“As simple as a name change might seem, a lot of processes will be influenced by it. A big impact is seen on product registrations, which need to be changed to the new name. Also, the organization of transport documents with the correct name during the moment of the actual change,” said Peter Zondervan, managing director at FRAmelco.