
Suppliers' News

How can you calculate the nutritional value of raw materials online?

A-Systems has developed a RMLINK that enables to calculate dynamically the values of raw materials through parameterized equations allowing a quick determination of the complete nutritional profile of the raw material.
How can you calculate the nutritional value of raw materials online?


The INRA/AFZ conducted a research project looking to determine from chemical composition data of raw materials, equations for predicting the nutritional values. The originality of this works resides in the fact that the equations are specific for each raw material or group of raw materials and it makes possible to determine the composition and the nutritional values for a raw material on demand. This gives formulators the possibility to know the nutritional interest of their own raw materials and not just to base on average values. The only missing peace was to put this tool at the service of users through an online platform.

Today it is possible thanks to the technology RMLINK developed by A-Systems, software publisher of the formulation software Allix. This technology allows the online dynamic calculation of the nutritional values of raw materials. A-Systems puts on services a website that enables to calculate dynamically the values of raw materials through the parameterized equations. Once the raw materials are valued by the user,  results can be exported as a cvs file or if the user possesses a license of Allix formulation software, he can access in a transparent way to the site. The calculated values are directly integrated in the Allix formulation software, without needing to pass through import or export of data. Each supplier of tables of raw materials can thereby have an interactive tool allowing its users to adapt, in terms of parameterized equations, the raw material they have.

This application, leaned on, will be available on subscription. It is set to receive eventual valuations of raw materials according to more and more criteria, adapted to many animal species, and integrating regularly the latest researches from around the world.
