
Suppliers' News

Kiotechagilhas received UFAS and FEMAS Certification

Certifications give confidence in the quality, safety and traceability of products

Kiotechagilhas received UFAS and FEMAS Certification

The UFAS (Universal Feed Assurance Scheme) approval scheme ensures that everything a certified company produces satisfies the stringent controls applied to animal feed manufacture in the UK in respect of raw material selection, salmonella control, quality assurance of manufacture, acceptable recall procedures and full traceability.

“These certifications give us every confidence in the quality, safety and traceability of all our products, said Kiotechagil chief technical officer, Murray Hyden. “Our production plant is tested for quality control procedures covering salmonella, insects, birds and potential chemical contaminants and all our staff are fully trained as to the importance of the work they do in relation to the animal feed supply and ultimately to the human food chain.”