
Suppliers' News

Leiber GmbH at AquaNor in Norway

Leiber GmbH is to participate at AquaNor in Trodheim, Norway, for the first time this year.

Leiber GmbH is to participate at AquaNor in Trodheim, Norway, for the first time this year.

AquaNor, an international exhibition and conference for commercial aquaculture, runs from 18th – 21st August 2015. It offers visitors expert information on fish farming technology, fish feeds and animal health.

The impact of stress through environmental pollution and rearing conditions on health and performance of fish in intensive aquaculture, in increasingly gaining in importance. Leiber GmbH’s tailored product portfolio of specialty brewer’s yeast products is widely applicable to aquaculture fish health, in larval and juvenile nutrition as well as in grow-out stages.

Nikolaus Jungbluth, business unit director animal nutrition at Leiber GmbH said: “By supplementing feed with Leiber products, the animals are prophylactically strengthened against stressors during rearing. For example, feed conversion and growth performance can be improved, and immunocompetence and stress resistance promoted.”

The company can be found in Hall F, booth 568.

Further infomration on Leiber GmbH is available here.