
Suppliers' News

Millbank Extrusion expands Buhler product range

As part of its extrusion engineering expansion program, and as announced earlier on, Buhler has acquired the family-owned company, Millbank Technology (NZ) Ltd. in New Zealand.

As part of its extrusion engineering expansion program, and as announced earlier on, Buhler has acquired the family-owned company, Millbank Technology (NZ) Ltd. in New Zealand.

The outlook for extrusion technology is bright: The process is being
increasingly applied in the food, feed and pharmaceutical industries,
where experts are convinced it stands to become a future key technology. Extrusion is therefore a promising growth segment for the Buhler Group.

Buhler is an acknowledged leader in the field of high-value twin-screw
extrusion technology. With the acquisition of Millbank’s activities, it is completing its product line by the addition of the more straightforward,lower-cost single-screw machines. These are in particularly high demand in the markets of Latin America and South East Asia, where growth has resumed.

Millbank Technology (NZ) Ltd., which is based in Auckland, New Zealand,
enjoys a solid reputation especially in South East Asia for efficient and reliable extrusion equipment. In the context of a successorship
settlement, Buhler acquired all the activities of the company in
September, integrating them in its Extrusion Systems business unit. The
equipment, which to date has been marketed under the name “Miltenz™”, will in the future be offered to customers under the MillbankExtrusion™” brand. In view of the fact that Latin America and South East Asia are the main markets for this equipment, equipment and components will continue to be supplied to customers from Auckland.

The merger offers a large number of benefits: Customized and economic
solutions can be offered, covering a wide capacity range and including
complete production lines. Global sales, engineering, installation and
start-up plus customer service will be handled by Buhler Extrusion
Systems. The existing sales and service organization of Millbank will be integrated in the Buhler Group to maximize customer value. In particular,Millbank’s and Buhler’s existing customers will benefit from the worldwide service and spare parts network.

Buhler Extrusion Systems is currently focusing a large part of its
energies on the Pacific Rim. Its commitment to this region became evident year ago, when it signed a licensing agreement on cooking technology with the Australian company Sanitarium Health Food. The acquisition of Millbank technology further underscores this pledge. And the prospects are bright: Major growth is expected especially in the fish breeding, extruded snack foods, and food ingredients markets. These segments are of outstanding significance to the food economy, and extrusion is a key process for making the related products. There is no question: Buhler’s involvement in the Pacific Rim promises long-term partnerships with existing and prospective Buhler and Millbank customers.

Buhler is a global Technology Group and System Partner for plant and
equipment and for process expertise in the fields of Food Processing,
Chemical Engineering, and Die Casting, with a worldwide payroll of about 6,500.