
Suppliers' News

Muyang changes brand name to FAMSUN

Muyang Co., Ltd. has changed its brand name from Muyang to FAMSUN starting May 2014. The move is prompted by the idea of better illustrating the company’s business and the farm-to-table industry chain it serves. It is consistent with Muyang’s global strategy and its aim of becoming an integrated solution provider in the agro-industry.
Muyang changes brand name to FAMSUN

Muyang Co., Ltd. has changed its brand name from Muyang to FAMSUN starting May 2014. The move is prompted by the idea of better illustrating the company’s business and the farm-to-table industry chain it serves. It is consistent with Muyang’s global strategy and its aim of becoming an integrated solution provider in the agro-industry.

FAMSUN originates from “famous, farm, family, sun and union”; it implies Muyang Co., Ltd.’s development concept and vision, which is to build a green and healthy supply chain from farm to table together with its customers and to convert traditional agriculture into a modern, profitable and sustainable business with its integrated solutions in feed manufacturing, grain milling, grain handling and storage, food processing, as well as industrial automation.

The creative design of the FAMSUN logo features a beveled letter “F”, a curvy letter “A”, a stretching letter “S” and a friendly letter “U”. It will be the only signage representing Muyang’s business, products, service and solutions. Meanwhile, the company will continue to operate in its current structure, provide follow-up service based on relevant agreement, and its business contacts will remain unchanged.

FAMSUN will make its public debut at the 12th China Animal Husbandry Expo between May 18th and 20th in Qingdao, China and VIV Europe 2014 between May 20th and 22nd in Utrecht, Netherlands.